Winning Your Blood Sugar Battle!
Diet Play A Vital Role In Controlling DIABETES Forever....
The key thing in managing diabetes through diet is eating regularly and including plenty of starchy carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables. A well-balanced diet will help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight and overall well-being. While diabetes is a long-term condition, it doesn’t mean you must avoid sugar for the rest of your life. Sugary and high-fat foods do, of course, spike your levels, so should be limited, but not completely avoided.
The thing to remember is, diets are personal. What makes a balanced diet for you, may be very different for someone else. For someone with diabetes, what the body needs will differ even more.
Tailored diet plan according to your health conditions. Regular monitoring of your conditions through call / sms / whatsapp / video call.
Those who suffers from Type 1 or Type 2 of diabetes.